
Monday, 21 September 2015

Jacob Collier - Jerusalem

I may not be much of a rugby fan but I do love a bit of acapella, so I'm grateful to the England team and their affiliation with Beats by Dr Dre for bringing Jacob Collier's stunning rendition of Jerusalem to my attention by way of their World Cup advert.

Have a listen.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

A complete ranking of every Doctor Who episode 2005-2015: Volume 4

The day is finally upon us ... Doctor Who Series 9 begins tonight! So, without further ado, please enjoy the final part of my Doctor Who countdown: Eps 24 to 1.

Friday, 18 September 2015

A complete ranking of every Doctor Who episode 2005-2015: Volume 3

We're perilously close to Doctor Who day and I'm already preparing my sofa and snacks for the big event. To get you through the final few hours, here are numbers 49-25 in my countdown.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

A complete ranking of every Doctor Who episode 2005-2015: Volume 2

Only two  more days until the start of Series 9, but really, you're all just waiting to see which episode will be number one in this definitive list aren't you? Go on, admit it! Well, you'll have to wait a bit longer ... here are numbers 73 to 50.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

A complete ranking of every Doctor Who episode 2005-2015: Volume 1

In the first ever post I wrote for this blog, I talked about how the quote above had inspired the name The Optimist. There's definitely a link between optimism and Doctor Who - in a show about a strange man who roams time and space in a police box, there's no room for cynicism. You've got to invest in it, embrace the silliness and believe that this one, strange man can save the universe. Only then can you experience the occasional heartbreak and constant thrill that Doctor Who can bring. 2015 marks ten years since the show was brought back and in the run up to the start of Series 9 this Saturday, I've taken it upon myself to rank every episode up to now. Get ready for four days of unadulterated geekiness.